Carrie Williams
Director of Donor Relations
cwilliams@txculturaltrust.orgCarrie Williams, Outreach and Logistics Manager, boasts six years of education and management experience prior to joining the Texas Cultural Trust. While she currently advocates for arts education in Texas, she has also advocated for the arts and literacy in other countries entirely. Having taught English and Art in Japan and Singapore National Academy in Indonesia, Carrie has combined her love of travel and culture with her passion for education to provide resources to students across the globe.
Behind these experiences is a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of North Texas for Visual Art Studies and Art Education, a Masters of Arts from the University of Texas at Austin in Art Education with Community Specialization. With both academic and real-world experience, Carrie continues to demonstrate her passion for meaningful arts education and raising awareness for social inequalities while advocating solutions to the disparities seen in Texas.