Neiman Marcus
Corporate Arts Patron
Neiman Marcus is the premier retailer of luxury and designer merchandise in the United States, and each location is dedicated to serving worthwhile causes and supporting the community where each store resides. Almost 100 years ago, the founders of Neiman Marcus were staunch believers in corporate philanthropy and supporting charities in the arts, education, and medicine, and have always been quick to lend their time, talent, and treasures. Furthermore, Neiman Marcus’ passion for the arts is not exclusive to art philanthropy. In 1951, Stanley Marcus purchased Mariposa, a large scale mobile by Alexander Calder, and with that the Neiman Marcus art collection was born. Neiman Marcus continues the tradition by selecting works of art which are suitable for each store environment, and works come from various cultures, by both established and emerging artists. But Tansky, president and chief executive officer of the Neiman Marcus Group, Inc. accepted the award for the company.